CBSI stands for Community Bible Study International. This is a Bible Study program from the US that has gone global. Two other women and I co-lead a group of LCC ladies that meet on Thursday evenings at my apartment. We are doing a study on the "Servants of God" which focuses on Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. I have been glad to be a part of this ministry because of the way we really dig into God's word each week. I haven't spent a lot of time studying the Old Testament recently, so I've enjoyed re-reading the stories and finding fresh ways to apply them to my life.
I also have been especially blessed to spend time each week with this amazing group of women. Our ages span 30+ years, but we all love the Lord and are learning together. Each one is a precious part of my LCC experience!
Back/middle row: Maxine, Bethany, Kim, Leona, me, Gina, Kristine, and Diane
Front row: Marietta, Marina, Judy, and Sharon