Saturday, September 18, 2010

Community Day!

Wednesday, September 8th was "Community Day" at LCC.  What this means is that at the end of the school day we have a big outdoor carnival/bbq on the front lawn.  Student Life is in charge of the event and the Community Life area (my division) is in charge of the decorations and activiites.  It was a ton of work, but ended up being a great team building endeavor and was enjoyed by the students and familes of faculty & staff! 

Here are a few photos...
Blowing up the balloons that we strung along the sidewalks to give the area a festive feel!

One of our Study Abroad students did a fabulous job with the face painting!

We spray painted a giant Twister board on the lawn.

My RD team enjoyed impersonating our very pregnant VP with some balloon babies under their shirts!


  1. Hey Susie, I know it's been awhile but I just wanted to make this connection.. this is Stephanie, the facepainter in your post here! How are you?

  2. Hi Stephanie! I am great. LCC is busy these days...bustling with activity and memories being made. How are YOU doing?!
