Thursday, July 8, 2010

Praying for a friend or two.

Goodness, I haven't posted in a while!  I just returned from a week of vacation and am now seriously working on preparing to leave for Lithuania!  I fly out on Wednesday, August 4th.  That's only 27 days from now.  I know that 4 weeks can seem like a long time especially when you are looking forward to something.  Funny thing is that I am very much looking forward to this move, but 4 weeks doesn't seem like very long at all.  Likely because as much as I am looking forward to moving on, I think I am equally not looking forward to saying good-bye to friends/family here in Goshen.

I just returned from a week with my childhood best friend who now lives in England.  I am always thrilled that she and I can just pick up where we left off when we see each other - whether it's been 6 hours or 6 months, we can find things to chat about.  Since I only see her once or twice a year in person, we make an effort stay in touch via electronic methods and by talking on the phone at least once a month.  Even with our regular chats, emails, and facebook posts I do miss knowing what is going on in her day to day life and being able to share those things about my life with her.  Thankfully, while she can never be "replaced", God has brought another dear friend into my life who is that person for me now in her absence.  I know God has done the same for her in England as well.

I think that is one of the things I am most apprehensive about as I prepare for this transition  - having someone in my life that I can share the day to day joys and struggles with.  One of my regular prayer requests lately is that God will help me to quickly connect with a couple other women who will become close friends/confidants.  This is a prayer that I've often prayed during times of transition in my life - whether it was work, school, or other social changes that were occurring - and it's one that I've seen God answer in wonderful ways through the addition of new friends that I cherish!  So, while I'm not asking God to replace the friends I leave behind here in the USA, I am asking Him to provide me with new friends who will walk with me through the daily ups and downs of life in Lithuania.  Won't you please join me in this prayer?

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