Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday afternoon at the Spit

Saturday afternoon we donned multiple layers of clothing and took the ferry boat out to the Spit.  We walked out to the beach and saw some gorgeous ice formations along the coastline.  It was an afternoon filled with lots of walking and cold wind blowing all around.  Thankfully though the sun was shining and we were all in good spirits.  It was a fantastic afternoon! 

 Rebecca, me & Kristine on the ferry ride over to the Spit.

Rebecca and me walking through the forest. 

The squat pit toilet on the way to the beach.  Brrr! 

Rebecca and me with the sea in the background. 

Susie was here. 

Picutres of the sun and the sea.  Each time I see a view like this, I gasp at the fact that I actually live here!  

Water, ice, and sand - a beautiful sight! 

Dipping my hand in the icey Baltic Sea. 

I wasn't as brave (CRAZY) as these folks who were swimming in the sea!   

Rebecca warming up with some coffee while we waited for the ferry tocome get us to take us back to the mainland. Isn't she cute?!  :)

Me with the dog statue.  I'm slowly working my way through all the statues in town!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you look so STYLISH in those boots?!?!?! It looks sooooooo cold! :)
