Friday, May 28, 2010

My apartment is a mess!

My apartment is a mess! Now, if you've ever been to my place you probably know that I do tend towards clutter a bit. Things like stacks of papers on the table, a bag of trash that needs to be taken to the dumpster, dishes that need to be washed, etc. Well, I'd really like to experience some of that clutter right about now. Instead I have chaos - piles of odds & ends that need to be returned to people, boxes of items marked & ready for my garage sale, stacks upon stacks of magazines that need a good home, and boxes of personal papers - bank stmts, college papers, childhood drawings, and greeting cards galore. It 's a bit overwhelming to look into my house...much of the time I just want to run out the door and hide at Barnes & Noble with a good book! :)

My goal is to go through each room in my apartment put things in the room where they belong, then I can work on packing in a manner that ends up putting things that belong together actually together! I've moved too many times where I end up with socks in the office supply box, dinner forks in the bedroom box, and a video thrown in with the kitchen supplies. Since I'll be storing things for at least a year and I might need to get into the boxes over the holidays, I want it all to make sense and things to be stored with other similar items.

I've appreciated that several friends have come over and helped me with the process. It's such a huge task that it's easy for me to get sidetracked. I will see a magazine and wonder if it has any good recipes, so I sit down and start leafing through it, or I'll just "quick check" my email and end up lost on Facebook for an hour. When friends are here I stay on task and get to visit so it's a double win! :) Let me know if you want to come help me sort! :)

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