Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another visit to the hospital.

The day after we got back from Belgium, I ended up at the hospital again!  :(  I was cleaning up after breakfast and all of the sudden started having horrible pain in my left side.  I had no idea what was going on, so I called my Lithuanian co-worker to come over so we could call the ambulance (I needed her to translate).  The ambulance ended up taking me to the hospital for all sorts of tests.  It was a pretty horrible hospital experience.  Thankfully they were able to fairly quickly figure out that it was kidney stones that were causing the pain.  They gave me a shot for the pain and sent me home with a prescription for more pain meds.  Amazingly, I never had pain from the kidney stones again!  I don't know if I passed them quickly or if they are swimming around in my system waiting to cause more pain again.  Either way I keep my pain meds on me at all times and continue to drink LOTS of fluids!

1. I am thankful that the experience did not happen the day before when I was travelling back from Belgium.  I can't imagine how I would have navigated the experience while travelling.  ugh.
2. I am thankful that while the hospital experience wasn't very fun, it was pretty short in length and I didn't have to stay overnight this time!
3. Sodra is our social insurance and it covered 100% of my expenses, which I am VERY thankful for!

This was a photo I snapped with my phone of the ultrasound machine 
that discovered my kidney stones.

I hope this was my LAST visit to a Lithuanian hospital for a LONG time (better yet, EVER!)

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