Saturday, November 13, 2010

Supper Club

A few years ago some girlfriends and I had a "Supper Club" back in Goshen.  We met monthly and had dinner together.  Each one of us brought a different dish to the meal and the rule was that it had to be a recipe you had never made before.  We did that for a year or so and it was so much fun!  Eventually one of the gals moved out of state and it ended. 

What does that have to do with Susie in Lithuania you ask.  Well, I was realizing a couple of weeks ago that I was in a bit of a mode where I was living for Christmas vacation.  I was overly focused on getting through the next several weeks and going home to the US.  I knew this wasn't a wise use of my time and energy and also wasn't how God wanted me to use my time in Lithuania.  So, I decided to make several goals that would help me embrace life here to a fuller extent and would also help me get to know people & places better.  So, one of my goals was to start a Supper Club.  This supper club is different than the one I had back in the states.  The group meets weekly, rather than monthly.  The group shifts a bit each week.  And rather than each of us making a new dish, we try a new restaurant each week.  Sounds fun, right?!  It is!  :)

On November 4th we went to Luja.  It's a restaurant in a German looking building that I drive by every day on my busride to work.  Here are a few photos...

The lovely and ornate place settings.

My entree - Grilled Chicken Tenderloins, cheese raviolis, and a spinach/sour cream sauce.  It looked lovely, but tasted pretty bland.  Oh well, I had a fun time with the ladies!  :)

 This was the Chicken Cordon Bleu that one of my friends ordered.  She said it was delicious!

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